

There are several ways to approach organisations depending on the maturity of both leaders and employees.

change in business strategy

From time to time, you need to adjust your business to the markets, the customers or the finances at hand. It often implies that that you need to adjust your organisations as well.

If possible the preferred solution could be re-arranging the organisation to get more out of it or to prevent a large group of dismissals. However that often turns out to be a short sighted solutions since the time after the change, most likely requires a new organisation and possibly also an adjusted workforce. So what seems like the unbearable action sometimes is the most human and effective.

You must make up your mind if you are in it for the long run and then decide accordingly. We support you in becoming clear on your ambitions.

cultural change

It really doesn’t matter if you are a small entrepreneurial start-up or a huge corporate - or all that is between. If your culture have not been shaped the right way, you can continue writing strategies, design core values and throw seminars and late night parties. It do not change a bit. Be honest and look at the culture you have shaped with your talk and your leadership stile. Look at how you promote, honor and reward your organisation. Who is attending which meetings, how do you communicate and how do you get information on what is going on in your company? Are you out there regularly or do you (and can you) trust the people around you to provide you with the truth.

We do the challenger talk. And then we help design and execute the process. But most importantly, we support you in keeping momentum to make your investment last.

Acquisitions and mergers

When an opportunity for increased business volume appears the fewest of us can resist. But know that it is not done with a thorough due diligence, a signatur, transfer of money and a headline. It is only after those activities the real work starts. And just for your notion - when you are ready to move forward, the organisation is no where near to be ready for new ideas and changes.

Whether it is an acquisition or a merger, there is a lot to deal with on the emotional page and sorry to bring this to you - but if you knew how much time and meetings it can take, to figure out who decide the size of the tables in the new combined organisation, you would be amazed.

So let us help you adjust the activities to match where you are on the journey, to make sure you reach the harbour at the right time. 

Organisational developmemt

Whether you need to work with your team, a bunch of leaders or the whole organisation, we can help you.

We meet, you tell, we ask, we discuss, we design, you approve and then we are ready to execute.

Our expectation to you is that you commit. That is, if you only want to scratch the surface, bring your people to the Tivoli for a blast, and then you do not need us.


Are you facing changes, mergers or acquisitions or do you have a dream of your organisation to go agile. We challenge your dreams and help you find a form that is suitable for your current situation.