When finding the right candidate for the job doesn't fix the problem

I guess you are reading this line, because the headline touched a memory !

Years of recruitments have left me with a perspective on what it is we are trying to solve whenever we are recruiting a new specialist or a new leader, no matter the level. And to me a few questions are essential before we hit the keyboard to write yet another brilliant job add. The trick is that we seldom spend the time investigating what it is we are really looking for. Way too often you end up recruiting the candidate that either looks exactly like the one before or in best case, with an increased level of knowledge.

What could have been relevant spending time on, was the strategy. What is your ambition? how does the future look for you in regards of change in customers, in the market, on the product side? Do you know that your organisation will pass through changes the coming year? Is this position involved in your succession planning - or should it be a part of the circulation of competencies? All of the mentioned and maybe even more, should be really present in your dialogue on the demands for the new position.

So, to put it short, you need to spend what seems to be a wast of time, figuring out what the qualities would be in your new employee, to prevent wasting the time recruiting the wrong candidate.

Need any help taking the right choice ? just reach out.

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